Monday, September 7, 2009

How To Save Money On Your Grocery Bill

how to save money on your grocery bill

I know, how to save money on your grocery bill isn't normally a topic I would cover on this blog...but, given the economy, I figured that giving you tips on how to save money on your grocery bill would be appropriate. The following tips are how I saved money on my grocery bill in the last few months.

Like a lot of Americans, my family has been feeling a really tight crunch. Our grocery bill is usually over $1,100 a month; we haven't had that much money to spend on groceries lately. I was able to cut my grocery bill by HALF! Our family of seven now eats on a monthly grocery budget of $562!

Creating a Menu to Save Money on Groceries

Choose one day each week to be your grocery shopping day. Do a menu for the entire week, starting on that day and going to the next week. How does this help you save money on your grocery bill? First of all, you're purchasing only what you need for specific meals, whereas without a weekly menu, you're purchasing many things that you won't use at all.

When creating your menu, be sure to look through your cupboards and refrigerator, to see what you already have that can be incorporated into your menu. This is a very important step in saving money on your grocery bill. Without incorporating what you already have in your pantry, you really aren't going to save much money on your grocery bill.

Use a Shopping List to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

Once you have completed your menu for the week, make a shopping list. Again, be sure to go through your kitchen, check to see what you already have so that you're not duplicating food purchases.

Having a shopping list helps you save money on your grocery bill by giving you limits while shopping. Make a rule that you won't purchase anything that's not on the list. This will prevent impulse buying, which can help raise your grocery bill.

To Save Money on Your Grocery Bill, Don't Waste Food

Not wasting food is another very important element in saving money on your grocery bill. If you have leftovers, be sure to store them in the fridge. Include a meal or two (we usually have about 4 meals of leftovers a week) of leftovers per week. This ensures that we aren't throwing money out in the trash, and allows us to get the most out of our dollars.

If you have food that is near its expiration date, use that food up. Switch meals for that day on the menu if you have to, but make sure you aren't throwing food out that hasn't even been used yet!

Using Coupons to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

Using coupons, when done wisely, can really shave some cost off your grocery bill. I went shopping a few days ago for my weekly menu, and saved almost $14 by using coupons.

So how do you use coupons? When looking through your local newspaper coupons, only cut out coupons for products that you already use. You aren't going to save money on your grocery bill if you consistently purchase items that you wouldn't otherwise use, because you have a coupon.

Save Money on Your Grocery List by Eating Before Grocery Shopping

I'm sure y'all have heard this one: do not go grocery shopping when you're hungry! If you go shopping when you are hungry, everything is going to look good, and you will walk out of the grocery store with a grocery bill $20-$30 more than you had wanted. Therefore, eat before you go shopping to prevent impulse buying, and therefore saving money on your grocery bill!

Comments, Suggestions?

Have you found a way to save money on your grocery bill that you would like to share? Did you try my ideas? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!


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