Sunday, June 7, 2009
I'm sure all of you have seen the new advertisements to "make $750 in the next 7 days with Google!", right? It's a scam! Let me tell you my experience with them!
I got the email one day, clicked on the link to Profit Studio Learning, and read the information. The information offered by Profit Studio Learning is very scarce...all it says is you can make so much money with Google, and to fill in a little form to see if you're eligible for a "free start-up kit". Because, don't you know, there are only a few available!! *rolls eyes*
So...I put in my zip code, and clicked 'Submit'. Lo and behold, I WAS eligible for one of the "only 15" free starter kits in my area. There was no small print on the Profit Studio Learning site for me to read, and the page stated that all I had to pay was $1.95 for "shipping and handling".
Well...STUPID me! I didn't Google Profit Studio Learning first...I thought, it's only $2, so if it's a scam, so what, right? I'm out $2! Whoopey-do!
Here's where Profit Studio Learning dot com gets you: As soon as you pay that $1.95 for this supposed shipping and handling charges (which is bogus too, because they never mail anything to you), you find out that the $1.95 is only for the next 7 days. In 7 days, you are going to be charged $69.90...MONTHLY!!!
Understandably, I was angry...Profit Studio Learning never mentions this fact until AFTER they get your credit card number. Then, they tell you the only way to cancel your account is to mail a letter to them...which you can only hope will reach Profit Studio Learning before they charge your card.
Back to the topic at hand...I send the required letter to cancel my account to Profit Learning Studios the very next day. 7 days later, there was a charge on my card for $69.90, but my access to the Profit Studio Learning website had been revoked. They didn't list their phone number unless you logged in.
Finally, I did what I should have done in the first place: I googled Profit Studio Learning, and found out that people everywhere have been scammed by Profit Studio Learning just as I was. Therefore, I found their phone number, and gave them a call...
Four days LATER...
I finally got someone on the phone at Profit Studio Learning, told them that I wanted my money back IMMEDIATELY. They assured me that the money would be returned to my card within 72 hours. 4 days later, the money was finally returned to my account.
Profit Studio Learning is scamming people by offering information on Google Adsense for $70 a month. If you go to Google, you can get all of this information for FREE!! What kind of company tells you that the starter kit is only $1.95, then AFTER they have your credit card number, say "Oh yeah, and BTW, we're also going to charge you $69.90 every month"?
Stay FAR away from Profit Studio Learning. Just remember the universal rules:
1. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is (especially in the "work at home" arena).
2. Always do an Internet search on a company before you give them ANY money, whether it's a dollar or a hundred dollars.
I too fell for it, i will call them tomorrow to cancel. Hopefully it works. Or I will call my bank and cancel my credit card, just to be safe. I wish I would have researched first! Lesson learned.
same here! i totally fell for the scam last week. they called me early in the morning and a woman with a middle eastern accent asked me for all this info and my email address and never sent me any email. but i think i might have been one of the lucky ones or i might have given them the wrong card number by mistake but i called my bank to see if the charges went through and they never did. but i canceled my debit card just in case. and i think i might even cancel my account as a precaution. something should be done!! this is like stealing!!
Wow this is all over the internet. Same story for us. We were charged the 1.95. When we called to cancel they said they would only give half our money back. So we canceled the credit card as a precaution. The internet is a dangerous place.
Yes it is! And it's scary that places like this are getting away with it!! I would definitely cancel your card, especially if they refuse to give your money back.
I too am a victim of this scam!I come from Scotland and have 2 children therfore i thought this would be a good idea to work from home.I was getting money taken from my bank account and didnt know who it was .So as i have just found out who it was i telephoned them stating that they have taken money from me without authorisation,they basically said i didnt read the small print so they couldnt refund all the money they received but i would only get back last months money.AS A GOODWILL GESTURE!!!please be aware if it sounds to good to be true then this is definatly the case..
Me, too! The one time setup fee is now $2.95. Additionally, there is a connection to TW/IPAuction which appeared on my credit card statement of $24.90, which has something to do with Amazon and uses the same password that was for the Google Home Business Kit. I tried cancelling the $69.90 on the 7th day at 3 p.m., and I was told I was not within the 7 day period. I have put a dispute in with my VISA. This is very very scary. Thank you for blogs like this...I wish I had looked at this earlier.
There must be hundreds in the UK caught up. As soon as signed up saw the small print -- phoned my card company immediately, told them and cancelled it. Then phoned the States and cancelled. Received an email straight away with a cancel ref number so hope this works and no money has been taken. Worse thing I have come across on the net - a lesson learned I am sure.
If you look at the links on the photos, they link to the company website as well. Look at your top address bar, it also is the company website, but LOOKS like a legit news page. Always take a step back and research it. Too good to be true. But in this economy everybody is desperate for a magic way to pay the bills that are mounting up. Spread the word and watch out.
Oh, read the TERMS and CONDITIONS, the monthly charge is right in there, they are doing this scam legally, its YOU who is giving them money for something you could get for free. Your choice.
By the way, I also have some magic elixir and health potion I will sell for $99. Any takers?
frances- didnt do my research b4 I signed up and paid £1.97 !!! read the small print later. Cannot get thru on the phone to talk to a human to cancel , so I have written to them at their adress in Salt Lake City (probably a fake adress) and cancelled any payments from my card and my bank have put a watch on my account in case they try to take any monies out. hope they got to them in time before they got to my account and withdrew money. What a con.
I did'nt do research on them either. I signed up before I read this site. I called them up and cancelled and asked them to reverse the $ 1.95 charge. No refund! I have to be glad that I just lost $ 1.95 today.
Cancel your credit card right away!
I just got scammed today as well through a link in facebook. I called my credit card company and cancelled my card. Hopefully, this will be the end of it. Just to make sure I will try and call on Monday to cancel and send a letter.
I am really glad that my experience has been helpful to others. Hopefully we will get the message out there to ALWAYS research a company before giving them our money!! Thank you everyone, for your comments!
These people phoned me from 801 341 3761 to do a follow up. I'd already canceled my credit card as I don't trust any company who doesn't supply an email address. She stated that I must not want to make money from the internet. I told her I believed it was a scam and that I was not told of the monthly charge on my visa. She said that it was there, but I know for a fact it wasn't. Even when opening their page after paying the intitial cost, it's in fine print at the bottom of the page. She would not listen to what I had to say, kept talking over me so I told her to f off and hung up. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCAM!
I too (UK based) have just fallen for this and am about to try and get money back etc.
But beware, I was led to it through a link on Facebook by a lady who claimed to have worked at Saviles estate agent etc. It ha a comments section that had been stopped, I should have felt the warning signs then.
Yes, that is rather disturbing...I saw an actual news article that had the comments "closed for spam"...the article sang the praises for this company! I couldn't believe it!!
I fell for this also. I was skeptical when I signed up for the $1.95 charge. I used one of those money gift cards that only had a balance of $5.23 on it. That way if there were any other charges my credit card wouldn't be charged. Two days after I signed up, I received a call from "Alton". He told me only a few get to talk to the top supervisor. I was one of the few that he would allow to have him speak to...aren't I lucky!!! Alton then said," let me transfer you to him". I was put on hold then Alton comes back to tell me that we need to set a time so my husband can be in on a call. I said my husband was out of the country working. He said don't tell me he works 24 hours a day while gone. We can set up a conference call. I told him that was the last thing my husband would want to do while over seas is to speak to someone regarding something he doesn't have a clue about. He asked in a smart manner, don't you talk to him everyday? Tell him what we are about then we can set up the conference call. I told him I don't even know what you are about yet. I kept insisting that is not what my hisband would want to do and I won't even ask him to do that. Alton started yelling at me and being insistant. I was telling him to forget this whole thing, I don't think it is for me, he kept pressuring me and finally hung up on me. I called back to get mailing information for the company so I can report them to the attorney general in Utah but when I called back, whomever answered just hung up on me without saying anything. I called with a cell phone using *67 and I reached Alton's direct line. I did go on the internet and did find the address I needed.
Oh wow! You had a terrible experience! I hope you get it all straightened out! I can't believe that someone would actually do that...don't they realize that people DO research and talk to others on the Internet, so the scammers are going to be revealed???
SCAM!!! These people are rude on the phone when you tell them you're not interested. I don't know how people can work at these places and still sleep at night. RIPOFF!!
I too was scammed by profit studio. Paid $1.97 for shiping but didn't get anything in the mail. Ten days after, my account was debitted for $79.90. I called them three times, but they kept saying the same thing (terms and conditions). When I called the next day, I made them understand that paying $1.97 is not an authority in anyway for them to make withdrawals from my account. Their statement at the bottom of the page remains entirely theirs unless I confirmed my acceptance. A customer should be given the opportunity to decline or accept terms of sales. I agree if only I check in the "agree box" during payment and it's fair for such terms to appear before one finally click submit. Many people would have read the terms and decide whether to acCept or not. But this wasn't the case in my transaction with profit studio. I don't know if others have a different experience. They try to hide info from people, so that they can achieve their fraudulent and deceitful acts. I demanded that my account be cancelled and my money be returned in full.
She immediately cancelled my account and promised that I'll get a refund in full within three days. True to her words, $79.90 was credited into my account.
If you have been scammed in this way, keep calling them until they refund your money. Be bold and don't beg, it's your money!They know they are not doing the right thing.
I to was scammed,Thought i was getting a starter kit for 1.95 ,never received anything . that didnt really matter to me , i thought i was out a 1.95 so what .then i found out that my credit card was being charged 69.95 each month for 5 months until stupid me realized it.well i was mad and started calling ,they agreed to refund one month ,that just fueled the fire for me.they hung up on me when i demanded to speak to a supervisor ,so i called back ,demanded to speak to a supervisor again ,finally after arguing for 15 minutes with this person ,i was transfered to a supervisor ,well that didnt work ,she just kept saying it was in the terms and conditions . i never received anything for my money or service nor would i want anything or service that they had to offer for 69.95 a month.well this is still on going, the manager over the manager is supposed to call me back on oct. 27th 2009 .iam writing this on oct .26th 2009.she would not give me her bosses name or tittle just said he would call me on the 27th.if you have been scamed you need to call the attorney generals office, the better business bureau ,the FBI internet fraud bureau,and lets get these people shut down .the people i talked to from profit learning studio [ always get their name and I.D. number ]are Bell #463 and Sehe #104 and Merina from their corp office she only give me her ext . number which is #184. Their corporate office number is 801-578-9020 mailing address is 230 West 400 South , Salt Lake City ,Utah 884101. This even sounds like a lame address ,ill will keep calling everyday until i get back my hard earned money.
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