Votre Vu offers a great business opportunity! Are you looking for something different? Votre Vu offers French-made cosmetics and skin care products that have, until now, only been available in European salons. And now you can become a consultant for Votre Vu, and offer these wonderful products to your customers!
I recently interviewed Arlene Lizarraga, a mom who runs her own business as a Votre Vu Consultant. She loves her job, has a lot of fun, and makes great money doing it!
- Is there a start-up cost involved?
- $99 gives you the Start Up Pak, which consists of 5 full sized products and business supplies, such as catalogs, order forms, postcards, brochures, etc. The website is optional at $79 a year with the first month free. Being active allows you to benefit from team cycle bonuses. This 50BV (each product has a BV amount) ships every 4 weeks.
- How much time should be invested by a mom to be successful in this business venture?
- I am very successful with this company and I have only had one soiree, which was my launch party. The rest has been outside orders, done on-line by the customer. Since the product ships directly to one's doorstep, little time is necessary, although if you do more parties, you earn more. I have won several challenges and incentives, giving me $1800 in free product and supplies! Again, this is from outside orders! People love these French beauty treats. Most of the time I spend is looking at orders coming in!
- What type of work is involved (i.e. promotion, selling, etc)?
- You can have a soiree at your home, hostess' home, a wine bar, cafe, restaurant, etc. I simply share my website to everyone I know and that has given me tremendous business.
- As a Mom, what appeals to you the most about this business?
- I love how flexible it is to be with Votre Vu. I get to be with my kids all day and love to see the email confirmations that orders have been placed on my website.
- What is a realistic view of income a mom can expect?
- You certainly can replace a full time job with Votre Vu as some people have. I do this so I can work part-time. One day I know this will allow me to stay home full time. I love how my profit has purchased a flight to Chicago (I'm from California) and a stay at the Westin, a $200 bootcamp workout, and I still have about 1K to spend! Again, this is all from one party and all outside orders on my website. Look out for the Vu Bar, the company's air streamer going coast to coast at major events! Also, Votre Vu has appeared on several television and news shows!
- What would you most want another mom to know about this business?
- Skincare from Paris, France is fabulous! These naturally and botanically based products are spa quality, sold in French salons, spas, and boutiques and now available to your doorstep. Votre Vu launched in January of this year and I am excited to see this company grow. I'm thrilled thinking about what this means for me and my family.
Still have questions about the business opportunity with Votre Vu? Contact Arlene through her website. She will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!
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